Does it feel like you are always one step behind?

  • You fear disappointing your parents even though you are an adult.

  • You are constantly hiding who you are for fear of being labeled “different” because you don’t fit into the mold of who you are “supposed to be. “

  • You feel  proud of what you have achieved but immediately guilty because you don’t want others to feel like you are  “full of yourself.”

  • As a child, you often translated for your family or learned how to do things on your own in a new country.

  • You still have difficulty coping with discrimination and other 'isms that are part of your new country, even though you have been here "a while" by society standards.


The courage to speak your truth and live your life without guilt

Therapy for Self-esteem that is culturally sensitive, mindfulness-based, and grounded  in real life experiences.


Hi, I am Dr. Alexis Melville

Life doesn’t have to feel like you are walking on eggshells.

You deserve to be understood…


Adult Children of Immigrants

When everyone else in your family and culture tells you their path is the only one that matters, it can be challenging to follow your own. You deserve a life full of courage, freedom and confidence. Give yourself the gift of hearing your own voice and learning to trust yourself.

Exhausted Superheros

You've been running on empty for so long, you're afraid to even take a breath. You're the one everyone relies on, never breaking under pressure. Though it’s hard, expressing your needs isn't weakness—it's a superpower.

Online Therapy for Outsiders

Therapy for geeks, creatives, and people who are trying to find their place in the world. Freedom from shame and guilt. 


Take the First Step to Experience Change

Step 1. Schedule

The 20 minute consultation is an opportunity  to get to know my style,  rates, and share your goals for our work together. Keep in mind, this is not a therapy appointment, but rather a brief conversation to see if you and I are a fit.   

Step 2. Experience

Much like a doctor's appointment, the first appointment will be me gathering information about your background and your concerns. In the subsequent sessions I will get a better sense of your story and we will develop strategies that will get you closer to your goals.  Think of me as a mountain guide, I will let you know of the various paths you can take and the pros and cons of each, but it’s up to you to decide which one works best for your situation.

Step 3. Change

Many people say that going to therapy helped them to have more space to listen to their own guidance and allowed them to be free from self-judgment. Simply put, they notice that they are able to have more joy in their lives and reach their goals without the stress.


“Imagine a life where your inner guidance was the only voice that mattered. I want to help you get there.”


Have you been putting off therapy for a while?

Maybe you have been noticing changes in the way you are thinking about yourself or your goals? Perhaps others have made comments about how you are not as happy as you used to be. Maybe no one from your culture has done something like this before and you fear that they will think you're “crazy” or “too Americanized.”                  

I get it.

This can be a terrifying but important step in your life. During our 15 minute conversation I am open to questions about my style, process of therapy, and even how to begin. Even if you realize that we are not a fit, I am committed to providing you with enough information about my practice so  that you can an make informed decision.